OK...so my next doctor's appointment is Wednesday morning early and I am hoping that he will just tell me then that we are going to the hospital and that we are finally gonna have this baby boy!! I am so ready for all of this to be over, don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant and I love the feelings that no one else can experience during the whole process but it has been a rather long nine months and I am truly ready to hold my new little one in my arms. Both Tanner and Emily are ready to see their new baby brother. Jeremy is just ready for something to be different...who knows what though. We are just excited that it is so close to being here but yet wee still have to wait another 3 days before we know for sure.
Maybe the next time that I post I will have some really exciting news...I hope that everyone has a wonderful week and God bless each of you!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
You definitely have some news to post next time you are here !!
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