Well Monday morning around 4:00 AM I started having contractions and they lasted until about 6:00 or so. I went ahead and went to work because I had a meeting and shortly after getting there I called the doctor's office and he had me come in and see him. Shortly after getting to his office he decided that I just needed to go ahead and go to the hospital-YEA!!! I called Jeremy and told him what was going on and shortly after 10:00 AM I was in a hospital gown getting ready to start my whole laboring process. It took a while for things to get really going but once they did, there wasn't any problems.
Brayden Heath made his arrival into this world at 5:32 PM and he weighed 7 lbs 10.6 ozs. and was 20 1/2 inches long. He is doing well and our whole family is so happy that he is finally here. I feel that our family is now complete. I have just a few pictures that I will include in this post and I hope that everyone is doing well!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
Congratulations Katie. I'm so glad Brayden is here and he is doing well. I'm glad it's over and you made it through !! Now you get a break from school - it's fun. I'm not ready to go back just yet. Enjoy your little one and love on him a whole lot.
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