Saturday, April 26, 2008

The weekend

Well I was able to sleep in this morning and it was really nice to be able to do it. Emily is much better this morning and has actually been able to eat some "real" food today and seems to be handling it rather well. After cleaning house most of the morning and really getting some spring cleaning done, we enjoyed an afternoon nap and now my husband is out back grilling some steaks...I SO love the warmer weather and all of the wonderful things that come with it...I can't believe that in just over a month school will be out and there will be lots more fun times to come!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The end is here

Well it has been a long day and let me say that I am glad it is over. Thanks Tracy and Nate for the encouraging words that some how always make it a little easier. I am truly blessed with wonderful friends!! Emily is beginning to feel a little better and I am hoping that by tomorrow she will be able to eat something a little more solid. It is always hard when the little ones are sick and there is not much that you can do for them. All I wanted to do was sit and hold her and wish that it would all go away...but that's what Mom is supposed to do...right? Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful night!!


Well it started off really well and that I got a phone call from the daycare that Emily was sick and it just went down hill from there. I took Emily to the doctor and learned that she has viral gastroitis and that she will not be able to eat much of anything for the next 24 hours or so. Clear liquids and then start slowly with bland, soft other words Pedialyte and then applesauce, toast, and things of that nature. I hope that someone else is having a better Friday then me. Happy weekend!!

Spring is in the air!

Oh my, things are really getting crazy around here. Monday the guys start spring football so...good-bye husband. It truly makes him happy to be out doing what he loves and for that I am greatful to God!! What would we do without HIM? I look forward to the coming weekend and some well needed rest. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another beautiful night

As we are getting our daughter to bed and I realize just how blessed I truly am. Our life has just taken us to some new places. I have some wonderful friends that I don't know that I would be where I am if it had not been for them. God truly blesses us when we least expect it. I hope that everyone has a restful night and that God will pour many blessings upon you tomorrow!!

Just getting started

OK...I guess I have caught the blogging bug from some others and I hope that it all works out. I have started my page and I hope that I am able to get it setup like I want and that everyone will be able to see my beautiful family. Here goes nothing!! Thanks Brandi and Tracy for getting me interested.