I know that it has been a while since my last blog and I really don't have any excuse as to why I haven't kept up with it except that I have been so very tired and I have been really busy with school and work. Emily is sick with an ear infection and a sore throat and I am grateful that my mother-in-law is able to keep her so that I don't have to use my days at school. Speaking of school-my classes are going well and I am glad that we are nearly halfway through the semester. I am really getting excited about being so close to finishing my associate's degree and knowing that soon I will start my bachelor program and finally be finished with school. I know that I still have a couple of years left but it seems so much closer now...I am really getting excited about getting the baby's room set up and starting to get a few things for the baby...we haven't been for sure told what it is but the last time that we were there the doctor said that it looked like a boy...we will just have to wait and see. I hope that everyone is having a really good week.
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago