You know there comes a point in your everyday life that you just aren't sure how you are going to pay this bill and make sure that you enough gas to get where you need to go and you tell yourself that the Lord will provide. He has never denied us any of our daily necessities and I have trusted in Him through out everything. Jeremy is a worrier...he always wonders how we are gonna make it for time to time especially with another baby on the way and the added expense of doctor bills. I have prayed for God to continue to provide for us and have had to lay it at His feet and just walk away from it. Today our prayers were answered. We received a check in the mail that we weren't expecting and we are now able to make sure that we make it just a little further then what we would have with just our paychecks. He is awesome...that is all I can say.
I do need to ask for prayers for my brother-in-law and his wife as they are going through a difficult time in their lives. I have truly learned the meaning of prayer these last few days and can only tell you that God does keep His promises by giving us our daily bread...whatever that may be. I hope that all of you have a great weekend. May God bless you always!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
God is good and when we can learn to let go and let him then we are so much better off. Of course this is easier said than done as I have had a hard time with that lately. I'm learning and i'm sure I will continue to learn through good and bad times. I will be praying for your brother in law and sister in law as well as for you.
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