Well I made it through the first week of school...although I don't have a class full of kids, I still got pulled for everything from extra lunch duty to kindergarten assistant. I have always felt that I would probably teach either 2nd or 3rd grade...I absolutely am frightened of kindergarten and have made it clear that it wouldn't be a grade that I would teach. After this past week I believe that God is preparing me to do the one thing that I said that I wouldn't-teach kindergarten...I have learned to take everything in stride and just allow Him to direct my path.
Last night was suppose to be our opening football game for the season but due to the lovely rain and lightning that Lubbock got it was canceled and rescheduled for this morning at 11:00 AM. I wasn't able to go to the game this morning but I was able to listen to it on the radio, although we didn't win this game I do believe that our team will do well this season. I am really looking forward to the rest of the season. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and restful long weekend!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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