I must say that it was fast and furious today...trying to get everything taken care of before these dreaded TAKS tests. I only hope that everything goes well the next three days and that we don't have any major issues. Emily is so much better then she has been...she even slept almost the whole night last night. I know that with her not feeling well that she has had some troubles but I am hoping that things are getting back to normal. My best friend's little girl turns 1 on Thursday...can't hardly believe that it has been nearly a year since she was brought into this world. I am so excited about getting to see them in June...seems like the older we get, the harder it is to get together with them. I am counting down the days until I board a plane and spend just a few days with them and my wonderful husband!! Well it is that time of evening that I must get ready to feed the hungry crew!! Hope that all of you had a wonderful Monday and that the rest of the week is as uneventful and destressed as it can be!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
I was looking at your pictures.
Tanner looks so much like you && Emily looks like Jeremy!!
I heard about your fun day with the fire uproar :D
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