I can't believe that it is already Wednesday and that tomorrow is May 1st!! Yesterday was such an interesting day with TAKS test going on and then there was a "fire" at school and I was going to be sacrificing life and limb because I couldn't find Tanner and I knew that he was down the hall where smoke had been seen but some other teachers grabbed him and took him out front. Thank you...thank you. From there I took him to football practice and tried to get just a little bit of studying done before I had to go get Emily and then it was off to cub scouts...wow...talk about fast and furious...Today, not such an eventful day but getting closer to a 3 DAY WEEKEND!! I am looking forward to some "quiet" time and hopefully some really good studying...I take my last exam on Sunday and turn in my final essay on Tuesday and then thats it. Before you know it school will be letting out for the summer and thats when it will really be crazy!! Anyway, hope that someone else's week was just as crazy and eventful and if not...your missing out on life!! HAHA!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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