Today the church that Jeremy and I attend is giving us a baby shower and I am very excited to see what wonderful treasures will be given for Brayden to use when he makes his arrival. Jeremy's family is coming in and I am really looking forward to getting to see them and visit with them. It seems like there always has to be something else happening in order to get all of us together for a good visit. We are all so busy with our own lives that we can never seem to just get together for the heck of it. I really enjoy being able to see my brother-in-law and his wife as well as my father and mother-in-law. Jeremy's grandmother is coming with them and I am glad that she will be here to see the kids. She doesn't get out much and so she enjoys being able to travel to see everyone.
I learned just a couple of days ago that my application for graduation from SPC has been accepted so now all that I need to do is finish the last two classes that I have and then I can move on to a bachelor's program!! I am so excited to reach this milestone and know that it won't be much longer and I will be fulfilling a dream that I have long had. I hope that all of you have a great weekend and I will post pictures from the shower soon!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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