Well here it is Friday evening and we are getting ready to go to the pancake supper and then to watch the girls and boys basketball teams take on Abilene Cooper...Tanner is on his way to Plains to spend some time on the farm with his other side of the family. He always enjoys going out there and "doing" something with the tractors or whatever else they have going on. We have plans this weekend to start clearing out the office and begin bringing baby things in from the storage building. I know that I have at least another six weeks or so before he gets here but I can't helped but be a little stressed about the fact that we don't have his room even started. I am truly looking forward to getting started on it.
It's a good thing that most of the stuff that we are wanting to do will be inside since the weather is going to be changing to more winter-like then spring. I am hoping that winter will arrive soon and that maybe we will get some type of moisture. I don't want a whole lot of it but we so desparately need something to help settle the junk that seems to be getting everyone's sinuses all worked up. Well I guess that I need to go and get ready for the supper and the game. I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend and that you all stay warm!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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