Our doctor's appointment today went very well...the doctor didn't see anything abnormal on the sonogram and said that the baby looks very well. HE...yes it has been confirmed...weighs about 3 pounds and 9 ozs...a little bigger then normal but that is OK. Jeremy is very happy at all of the good news that we received especially about the confirmation of it being a BOY. I do have some good pictures that I will post so that everyone can hopefully see...I want to thank all of you for the many prayers that were said during the last few weeks as we waited for this visit to finally get here. One downside to the visit is that the baby is breech but there is still time for him to turn. I do have to go back at the end of February but it is just a follow up visit and nothing more. I hope that all of you are having a great week and I will post more soon!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
I'm so glad everything went well. I'll keep praying that it will continue to do so. Congratulations. Maybe he can share some of his weight with my little one :).
Good on you, Katie. I'm glad your doctor's visit went well. What a relief.
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