Well I was able to sleep in this morning and it was really nice to be able to do it. Emily is much better this morning and has actually been able to eat some "real" food today and seems to be handling it rather well. After cleaning house most of the morning and really getting some spring cleaning done, we enjoyed an afternoon nap and now my husband is out back grilling some steaks...I SO love the warmer weather and all of the wonderful things that come with it...I can't believe that in just over a month school will be out and there will be lots more fun times to come!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
Heyy! Told you sleeping in would make it all better ;D
Unfortunately I had to get up to go to my brother's game D:
But it was all fun.
It's good that Emily's getting better. It's always a bummer when a younger one of the family is sick!
Hope the rest of your weekend is good!!
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