Well, I tried to get my husband to agree to putting up the Christmas tree so that it would all be ready for next week...BUT...he said that we needed to wait. I really am ready to put the tree up and get things done so that by next week when the family gets here it will be up. I am so excited about getting things done for the holidays.
I am counting down the days before this semester is over...I only have my final essay to write in World Lit. and I am down to the last four classes for my elem. stats. class. I really am ready for this semester to be over and I am looking forward to having a little bit of down time. Emily is home for the week and I am really happy to have her here...it always seems too quiet when she is gone but it is almost overwhelming when she gets home and has to explore everything all at one time. I know that she is a normal three-year old and that one day it won't be so much to take in at one time. I hope that everyone is doing well this week and I wish you the best holiday season!! May God bless and keep you during the wonderful time of year!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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