Well I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and I was glad to hear the rapid heart beat of the baby...155 beats a minute...doctor said that everything looked really good that I was right on target with where I should be and that I am halfway through this pregnancy. It is hard to believe just how fast time is going with this one, before we know it it will be time to go to the hospital. I was able to go to Jeremy's last home football game last night and his team is just doing so well and I am so proud of all of them. There is a great group of parents that just cherish how well he interacts with their kids and that makes me proud. Tanner is getting ready to go on his camping trip with the scout troop and he is really looking forward to that. The semester is so close to being finished that that is hard to believe as well. I only have about 9 classes left in my math class and after this week there is only one more unit to cover in my World Lit. class, I am really looking forward to a break during the month of December.
It was good to get to see Brandi, Addie, Emmerson and Karen at the football game Friday night and I truly miss seeing them each week but I know that they are were they are needed. I hope that everyone is having a great week and hope to see you all soon!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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