Well, this morning my alarm clock went off and it hurt to move my arm to turn it off and then when I tried to get up my head felt as though it weighed 100 pounds (just an exageration). I thought well maybe if I get up and try to get ready for work things will get better but instead walking into the bathroom with the lights on just made it worse and I had to go back to bed. I just absolutely wanted to cry. I talked it over with Jeremy and decided that it would be best for me to just stay home and try to recover from all of it. So I some how mustered up enough to get Tanner dressed and Emily up and going and get them off to where they needed to be...I made it back home and slept until nearly noon. I think that the only reason that I woke when I did is because the thunder was so loud that it shook the entire house and the pictures that hang above our bed began to rattle and I was afraid that they were going to come off the nails. Crazy, I know but still it was pretty loud. I was feeling better and was able to finish up all of my math work that I needed to go over before class tonight. I picked up Emily from daycare at around 4:00 and was off to class. The rain apparently caused some problems with parts of the interstate at Hale Center because they had it completely closed off and you had to detour through town to get back on it on the other side. I must say traveling like that after storms is not great but it was good to see that all of the cotton as well as other crops got a well needed watering. Lets only hope that there won't be too much that the farmers aren't able to get into the fields to harvest. I am so ready to get back to work tomorrow although I was in much need of the rest that I was able to get today. I hope that everyone's Monday was much better then mine. God Bless and good night!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
I'm glad you are feeling better today!
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