The rain is so wonderful and it was so makes you want to just curl up on the couch and not do a thing. I was glad to see that Tracy is doing well today and that hopefully she will be back at work soon. I am still having my headaches but they aren't as frequent as they have been. I am also glad that my husband has been at home the last few days to help out with the kids and some of the household duties. I know that starting next week there won't be much time to do anything but come in and fix supper and then get all of us to bed.
I am glad that we-coaches wives-are able to count on each other to help out when we need it even if we think we don't. I am glad that the Rosales family is enjoying the meals that we are able to provide. It is also great to have family that is close enough to be here when you need it. We will continue to pray for Tracy and the baby as well as the rest of the family.
I am getting excited about our upcoming season of football. I am also excited about our upcoming school just never know what it will bring.
My sister-in-law will be going to the doctor this next week so we will know for sure when their baby is due...we can only hope that we are not delivering the same least for the sake of my in-laws!!
Well it is about time to get off of here and start gathering up the family for bed. I hope that everyone has enjoyed the wonderful rain and that there is a restful night in store for all of us.
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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