I know that it has been a while and let me just say there is good reason for it...I have been so busy either working at my part time job or doing homework. It is so crazy that I seem to have less time right now then when we are in school. I am so glad to hear that Tracy and Richard had such a great time at Coaches Outreach and then being kept up to date about how things are going with Nate at the Talent Expo. I hope that everything goes well for him and that he gets to follow his dream!! Tanner is going to be staying with his grandparents this week and then next Friday-one week from 4th of July-he will be headed back to his dad's for three weeks...it is unbelieveable that this summer is going by so quickly. I have enjoyed being at home and having good times with my kids and husband. We decided that we were going to move Tanner into the front room in our house and move the office to the back part of the house but let me just say that although it sounds rather simple-it has not been-I am hoping that we can get all of it finished before Tuesday so that I can really focus on finals for the first summer session. Well it is about time to get off of this thing and get ready for bed. God Bless!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
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