Well here it is Saturday night and I have all of these things that are just racing through my mind...I have to wash and pack Emily tomorrow as well as start getting things taken care of around the house. Jeremy and I are spending the night in Lubbock on Tuesday night so that we don't have to get up so early to be at the airport in time. I start to think I have a hold on things and then I remember that there is something else that I need to do. Jeremy just tells me to calm down and that everything will take care of itself. I am sure it will and if not there will be a Wal-Mart within driving distance should I forget something that is essential...Tanner will be home week after next and let me just say that I am ready for him to come home. You never really realize just how much life they bring into your home until they aren't here to do that. I know that it is always good for him to see the rest of his family but it is still hard. Emily just keeps asking for him and we just remind her that he is gone and she is good for a little while. Before too long she will be asking again and we have to start all over again but at least I know that she is trully missing her brother. Well I guess I better get busy trying to gather up thing for the next week!! God Bless!!
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
Hope you guys have a good time. I will be praying for you as you are sharing this time together. Give your marriage to God and let him do the rest.
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