Well, I must say that I am a little sad to be home but I am also glad to see my kiddo...Tanner will be home on Friday and I am looking forward to that as well. This past weekend was just amazing. Our speaker just knew how to put it into words that we all could understand and be able to apply these things to our life. Jeremy and I have decided to try to apply some of theses things to our life and allow God to truly work in our marriage. I keep thinking about the song: "Trust and Obey"...that song has a lot of meaning to it and we have to learn to just do as it says. It may seem easy now but there will come a time when it won't be and that is when we must truly learn to let God take control. We met some really great couples within our small group that in some awesome way knew what we were going through...it was nice to see Steven and Carrie Shipley and see how the kids are growing so fast. There was another couple that lives in Garden City but his parents live here in Plainview and her parents live in Lubbock. It is wonderful to see God working in our lives. I hope that Richard and Tracy as well as Shay and Brandi will get just as much if not more out of their marriage conference this weekend...I am praying for you even now. May God continue to bless each of you.
Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies
3 weeks ago
Katie, I'm so glad you guys had a good time and that the Lord blessed your weekend. When things get tough to handle, i'm only a phone call away. I am a good listener. We love you guys. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. We are ready to get away for a little while. Glad you made it back okay.
I am glad you had a good CO!! We loved ours too! It is always so refreshing! I will keep up with you through your blog, so keep posting! I know there are great things to come for all of us!
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